Tinnitus After an Accident?

You were recently in a motor vehicle accident and now you can't seem to shake this ringing noise in your ears. After going to the doctor, you received a diagnosis of tinnitus. Now, you are wondering what tinnitus is and whether you can file a claim for damages based on this condition.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a non-auditory sound heard in one or both ears that produces a ringing, buzzing, clicking, whistling, pulsing, or chirping noise. It is generally caused by damage to the inner ear. These sounds are typically subjective, meaning that only the individual can hear them.
The condition can result from excessive noise exposure, ear infection, or head and neck injuries. Often, if tinnitus results from a head or neck injury, it will only affect one ear.
For many people, the condition will improve, but for others, it could be permanent. Sound therapy can be helpful in treating the symptoms of tinnitus by amplifying other sounds to redirect a person's attention from the ringing sound.
If you recently experienced impact to the head, whiplash, or your airbag deployed during a motor vehicle accident, it is possible that one or more of these events caused your tinnitus.
Talk to An Attorney NowCompensation for Damages
If you have developed tinnitus after being in a motor vehicle accident, you may be entitled to compensation if the accident was caused by the negligence of another person.
When it comes to collecting damages, tinnitus is just like any other injury. You will need to prove that you have the condition, it was caused by the motor vehicle accident, and the other party caused the accident by being negligent.
Your representations to your physician of the symptoms you are experiencing are very important in a claim of damages for tinnitus. This is because the noises produced by the condition are subjective and cannot be observed by another person.
While there are some types of tinnitus that can be heard by a physician, these symptoms are caused by rare conditions like blood vessel problems and muscle contractions— not the types of injuries you would typically experience as a result of a motor vehicle accident.
Due to the subjective nature of the symptoms of tinnitus, the other party may try to argue that you either do not have the condition or that it was not caused by the motor vehicle accident in question.
That is why your physician's notes are important as evidence of your symptoms following the accident. It may be necessary to depose your physician and ask them about their opinion regarding your credibility. It is very important that you are truthful about all the facts of your case, as your credibility in all areas will be valuable in convincing a judge that your statements about your tinnitus symptoms are truthful and credible.
If you started experiencing symptoms of tinnitus after being involved in a motor vehicle accident caused by another person's negligence, contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at our firm and we can evaluate your case and help you to collect the compensation you deserve.